Friday, December 30, 2011



Love is a strange thing, isn't it? We all crave it. As a little girl, I would spend hours and hours dreaming of my wedding day, watching and reading fairytales where the beautiful princess met the guy of her dreams and they lived happily ever after. Even all of my Barbie dolls had a Ken to go with them, their soul mate. Love seemed so easy back then.. It was like two people just knew they were supposed to be together, and they were. Just like that. And then I grew up..
My dating history mainly centered around one guy that I thought I loved. Looking back, I know I really didn't. I know this because what I felt for this guy was nothing in comparison to what I felt for HIM. I've learned that you don't find love, love finds you. And that's exactly what happened. I'd known HIM for a long time.. But for some reason on that ordinary Tuesday in February, he caught my eye. There was something about him.. Something about the easy way I could talk to him, something about the way his eyes lit up when he smiled, something about the way he could make me laugh without even trying. It didn't take me long to realize I had completely fallen for him. And for a while, things were great. More amazing than I could ever have asked for. But then things went bad, without expectation and without reason. And it was like we were just falling and falling and neither of us knew how to get up. Our relationship ended, and you can probably imagine how hard I took it. The hardest part for me was knowing that he still cared, when he couldn't realize it himself. No, scratch that. The hardest part was loving him when he treated me like I had never been a big part of his life. But I held on anyway.
I had no reason to. At all. But subconsciously I did. I tried to move on, but I found myself finding something wrong with any guy that showed the slightest bit of interest in me. I tried other ways to fill that void, only to find myself more miserable and alone than before. And then, he came back to me. Through an argument, of course, because that's the form our relationship had taken. We would fight and cuss and scream at each other.. But neither of us could stop talking to each other for more than a week or two. And then the cycle would repeat. But he came back.. He told me he still loved me and never stopped and I finally had a reason to be happy. It didn't last long. By the end of the weekend he had decided we were just friends, and he completely broke my heart for the second time.
And then, a month later, he came back again. I caught a glimpse of the guy I had fell in love with, not the complete asshole that he had become. And I honestly thought it was going to work this time. Neither of us had been in a relationship since we had broken up 5 months before, and I wasn't ready to completely give up hope on us yet. But then, he changed back. And for the third time, he shattered what was left of my already broken heart.
After not speaking for a month, he recently contacted me again. And this time, I knew that he was completely the guy that I fell in love with originally. Everything was perfect.. minus the fact that he was in a relationship with someone else. It crushed me. I had known he had a girlfriend, but speaking to him again just made the thought of her more real. And then he made me a promise that I never thought I would hear.. He promised that when, not if, they broke up, it was just me and him. And if you knew him like I do, you'd know that he doesn't break his promises. And yet again I found myself having hope in him, in us, in the love we had once shared. But of course, it didn't last. He told me that he felt that he shouldn't talk to me because it wasn't fair to her. And that even though he said they were going to break up, he wasn't going to do anything to mess them up. Sounds bad right? I knew where his intentions were, and I respected him for that. But that didn't make it hurt any less. He did make it clear that he intended to keep his promise. So for the fourth time, tonight, my heart is in pieces that I don't think can be mended.
Some say I'm stupid for hanging on. And sometimes, when I get angry enough, I convince myself that I am too. But I truly think I've learned a lot about love. When you truly love someone, you don't matter. What matters to me is that he's happy. And if she does that for him, I'll try my best to be okay with that. So what if I'm miserable? So what if I can't sleep at night? I'll be fine. It's him that matters. Don't get me wrong, it hurts. I've been through hell and back for him. But you know, I wouldn't do it any differently. Knowing what I know now, if I could go back I wouldn't change anything. All the hurt, all the memories, nothing. I would do exactly the same thing, because if someday I get to be with him, it will be worth it. Every single thing. I think that's what love is. Love is unconditional. No matter what he's done, I would take him back without thinking. Because all the hurt that he's put me through is still much more bearable than life without him. I know I will never feel for anyone else what I feel for him, and I wouldn't want to. And I honestly believe that I found who I'm meant to be with, my soul mate.
So I'll wait. And I'll keep believing that true love conquers all. Because it does. What's meant to be will always find it's way. Love never fails, and no matter what it puts us through, we have to keep believing in it. So be fearless, because love is fearless. One thing to help us get through this messed up thing we call life..

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