Saturday, December 31, 2011



Last day of the year. Wow, already? 2011 has definitely been an interesting one. I remember exactly where I was on this day last year. I was babysitting, and as soon as the clock hit midnight, it hit me that it was 2011. The year I was graduating. The year that I had been waiting for for basically forever. Looking back on the year, my first thought is to say it sucked. But that's because I only remember the bad parts, because those are the most vivid. If I'm being fair, 2011 wasn't too terrible. I graduated from high school, moved out of my mom's house, started college, and, most importantly, I fell in love. There were good times, and definitely bad. I met my best friend this year, and became closer to one of the few real friends I had made in high school. I've learned valuable lessons, ones that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.
At this time of the year, most people talk about their regrets. Personally, I think regrets are stupid. Completely and totally stupid. Regretting something that happened doesn't change it. Not one little bit. And chances are, you learned something from it. Take my life for example. I fell in love only to get my heart broken, not once, but multiple times. Does that mean I regret it? Hell no. Because of that, I believe in love. I believe it's real, and I know more about it now than I thought I would ever know. I've been given the chance to love someone with all my heart, and that feeling in itself is absolutely amazing. Falling in love taught me lessons. I know how to see right through a lie, and I learned not to trust anyone but myself. I may be more closed off to the thought of loving again, and I may have major trust and commitment issues. And with all that, I do not regret a single thing. If I was given the choice, I would do everything exactly the same.
The end of a year should not be the time to regret every little thing that went wrong that year. It should be a time to look around and count your blessings. You made it out alive, didn't you? Take the time to look around, and see who's still standing beside you. THOSE are your real friends. Keep them close, and never let them go. Remind yourself that your family has also always been there for you.. Keep them close too. Take everything you've learned from 2011 and remember it. The lessons, the heartbreak, the struggle, whatever. Everything happens for a reason, so make sure you take it to heart.
The beginning of a new year is a beautiful thing. A new start. A clean slate. Now's the time for you to be whoever you want to be. If you want to change, do it. And don't worry about what anyone else thinks. Your opinion is the only one that matters. This is your year. Be empowered, be strong, be beautiful. And maybe, just maybe, we'll make it through one more year of this messed up thing we call life.

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