Monday, January 2, 2012



What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear the word 'strong'? For me it used to be muscles. That's the image the word revolved around when we were kids. Hercules was strong, wrestlers were strong, even our dads were strong. That definition doesn't give the word any credit. When I was a cheerleader, I could barely lift girls off the ground. Not because they were heavy, but because I wasn't strong enough. Does that make me weak? Not necessarily.
True strength comes from within. And it isn't something that's just granted to you. Strength comes from the trials and struggles that we encounter everyday. It's strong to take up for the girl that no one likes for no apparent reason. It's strong to not let anyone talk about your little brother, even though he's the most annoying kid on the planet. It's strong to walk away from a fight and just let it go. Strength isn't a physical attribute. You are strong for what's inside.
Loving someone takes strength. It's strong to look at someone who treats you horribly and to tell them that you're not doing it anymore. It's strong to end it when your heart is screaming out in pain. It's strong to love someone, even though they love someone else. It's strong to hold onto something that you know may never happen, just because it's everything you want. I think it's strong to let someone go when they choose to, and to make it okay on your own even though it feels like you'll never smile again. It's strong to look at that guy you love with everything you have, and smile because you know he's happy even if you're not. Love takes strength, a lot of it. And when love is strong, it's unstoppable. Absolutely unstoppable.
Never let anyone tell you you're weak. You're only as strong as you think you are. As much just crap that we have to put up with daily in our lives, every single one of you has inner strength. It's almost impossible not to. YOU are strong. And with that strength, that absolutely beautiful strength that keeps you going each day, we might just get through this messed up thing we call life.

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